Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Geeks with Spare Cash... Take Notice!

First off, no offense is meant by the use of the G-word. I'm one, so I'm allowed to use it... anyone else better step off or feel the fury of my pimp hand :)

If you or anyone you know has some spare cash hanging around, you might want to make a call and find out about getting your own copy of Detective Comics #27. If you didn't already know that it's the FIRST appearance of Batman, all I can say is... HEATHEN!!

Apparently there are a few (maybe as few as 5) copies of the book floating around in the world, and I think Nick Cage had a copy at one time (he's a big comic fan, taking his stage name "Cage" from the comic character Luke Cage and naming his some Jor-El, the kryptonian name for Superman... and I thought Kevin Smith was bad!!)

For more on the story, check out:

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