Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bamboo PC...

Some hi-tech company just came out with an eco-friendly PC, partly made out of Bamboo...

... but just remember, don't leave it around your Panda Bear

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


From commercial to real life, it seems people are using the Wii for physical therapy.

I can hear it now... "will you START playing that video game!"

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dexter or Serial Killer by Proxy?

Ok... I know I'm behind the curve on some things... the rise and fall of boy bands, SPAM, and now Dexter.

For the last few people who didn't know, it's a series about a serial killer who hunts people who escape the the law (like serial killers or serial drunk drivers).

It's a dark show. You see in detail as the lead character captures and tortures his victims, but since we already know the victims are, themselves, horrible killers, we can take a perverse pleasure in watching these monsters meet their vicious ends at the hand of another monster.

But the most interesting question... since we continue to watch the show, and viewers are what guarantee new episodes, aren't we just as responsible for the crimes Dexter gets to commit?