Friday, September 28, 2007

Fakes on a Plane

Ok... so I finally got around to seeing Snakes on a Plane. What a dreadfully awful movie!

The specially effects were pretty bad (all the CGI snakes looked so fake) and the attack sequences were pretty ridiculous (everone one was bit in the most extreme places, including eyeball, breast, an penis).

About the only two things I liked in the move were Samuel's line... and this song (which also has his line). Warning, this is the uncensored version.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So Much for Consistency...

So much for writing this blog with anything bordering on consistency... but the other day I had a strange thought as I was getting a cup of coffee for myself in the morning.

I opened the cabinet and looked at all the coffee mugs I had to choose from for holding my hot bitter beverage and thought to myself... it's just the two of us in our apartment, why do we have over 20 coffee mugs? We could each use a different mug a day and still have enough to last us a fortnight--whatever that is :)