Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Time Travelin'

Some people say that Time Travel may be impossible, based on the current understanding of the laws of physics.

I tend to disagree with them. I say this because I have already time traveled, and no, I don't have a portable fusion reaction in my basement, or some other science-fiction-y device at my command, but I do travel in time. In fact I did it just the other day...

I was outside last night and it was dark and cold. There was something in the air, a mix of the bitting cold of winter and the dark of night. As I inhaled deeply on the pungent air, for a moment it was a decade ago and I was back in college (Penn State main campus). It was a Friday night (instead of the Monday night I started out in 2008) before the end of the semester (early January) and I was heading over to my fraternity house (I lived on campus, not in the house). I would have been smoking a cigarette back then -- I wasn't now, but I could almost taste it on my lips as if I had finished it just a few minutes ago. Those nights, at school, on the weekends were so filled with options... it's a shame I didn't take too many of the ones that were available, but that's another post for another day...

This trip only lasted a few moments before I was pulled back into 2008, but sometimes you can hold on a little longer, for whatever it's worth, though you can never stay.

Next time you smell something familiar, or think you see someone from a long time ago, take the time to appreciate your own little time travel... and enjoy!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Filed Under EWW!

Seems like twins, given up for adoption at an early age married each other in England recently.

For me, all I could think about was the line from Eurotrip:
"They really are the worst twins ever!"

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

World's Largest TV

All I can say is... wow


1) so who has the room for a 150 inch tv?
2) what's the cost?
3) if I have to ask, I can't afford it
4) what's the cost of the juice to run this (again, see number 3 above)

Monday, January 7, 2008

"Let 'em eat cake"

I don't think this is what Marie Antoinette thought when she made her famous statement.

A life size wedding cake that looks like the bride... creepy! Especially when you think of the wedding tradition of keeping the top piece of the cake for a year and then eating it on the first anniversary of the wedding.

So next year do they eat her head?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

No more words...

I guess Berlin had it right when Terri sang:
Remember when the words were new
They carried a meaning, a feeling so true
(from the song No More Words)

The following article lists this years winners for overused phrases, or "19 affronts to the English language":

As for next year, who knows what verbal "low hanging fruit" will "make the grade" or "fall through the cracks" :)