Monday, November 16, 2009

Dante's Inferno - The Video Game (What The!?)

I'm not a big video game player, other than the occasional game of Star Wars Lego (that is just FUN) so I was surprised when I saw an announcement for a new video game--Dante's Inferno.

Now I'm pretty sure it's NOT like the book... playing Dante and just following Virgil around for nine levels of peaking in on the Las Vegas party-style that is Hell and ending up with the "I went to Hell and all I got was this t-shirt" t-shirt.

I have no details on what's actually in the game, but I'd be more inclined to play it, if everyone's favorite Middle Ages poet strapped on a pair (of guns) and laid waste to the hellish wasteland that is... well, Hell.

But this got me thinking about what other novels could be turned into video games...

The Lord of the Flies: Play as Ralph, Jack, or Piggy. Defeat the other kids on the island, grab the pig head for extra power and take on the the Beast with a laser gun made from Piggy's glasses.

Hamlet: Why suffer the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" when you can make others suffer? Start off by driving your girlfriend to suicide, and then eliminate everyone in your Friends and Family calling circle. In the final boss level, take on Fortinbras and his army in classic first person shooter style.

Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Wander around the streets of London as Edward Hyde beating up Bobbies and Harlots and stealing nearby carriages for transportation, all the while earning money and Hyde potions, until you can take on Queen Elizabeth herself in a Mortal-Combat style fight (I just wonder what the Queen's finishing move would be?)

Apparently great literature is for more than just reading, you can also play it!

P.S. If you get to the final level of Inferno, remember your thermal jammies.

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